i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 2:48:11 GMT
shiv Avatar






IN LATE NOVEMBER, as the AQUA INITIATIVE wade into ruins, Team Rocket turns its attention to the Tree of Life in Sootopolis. Rocket Boss Walsh awaits a gathered expedition team. He stands close to the thicket many have attempted to breach. Already, there are signs of groaning limb and root. Blades of grass bristle against your shoes and Pokemon aggressively, as if to push you all back.[break][break]

"whatever lies beyond is unknown to us. however, the tree came to us for a good reason. providence believes in our cause. team rocket's cause. and thus, whatever is inside exists for our glory." He extends his gloved hand toward the threshold, "onward! those designated! cover those attempting to dispel the dimensional rift."[break][break]

The thicket is a gnarled wall of branches and brush. Those assigned as the defense, protect those moving forth. Nevertheless, all are attacked by the sprawling offshoots from the main tree. Rough bark whips outward, thick arms of wood sweeping or darting toward trainers and their Pokemon. The tree knows this assault is different. More ferocious. More purposeful— and the tree will do whatever it takes to protect itself and what is within.[break][break]

Those who get deep enough will see a DIMENSIONAL MEMBRANE. It's an unnerving flat sea of black. Eyes seemingly blink from the charcoal canvas as several tiles present themselves. Touching a tile will cause it to shift through letters... but what is the correct combination? Those with an UNOWN REPORT may find its catalogue of code useful.[break][break]

Walsh watches on stoically. Darkrai will tend to more than it will tend to him— but no matter. There is much more than simple material reward beyond the first meadow. Much more than he, nor Pokemon, nor this world currently know.[break][break]

OOCLY, the crossword clue applies to only one of the crossword lines. Attempt to solve the crossword. Allow other characters to try "tapping" the tiles too by coordinating with each other.



THIS IS A PROLOGUE. There will be no deadline for a post and posting during this round is entirely optional. When the first moderator post is published, deadlines will begin to be enforced. Furthermore, posting for the first moderator round (not this one) will require locked in movesets.[break][break]

For this prologue, feel free to your characters participate in the following:[break]
  • breaching the dimensional membrane to seal it.
  • defending against the tree's branches.
  • watching on, engaging in banter.

You may post multiple times during this prologue round.




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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 3:00:43 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




It was finally time. [break][break]
It felt like ages since Bryan had been trying to get into the tree, but thanks to his and Priam's efforts (mostly priam's meddling with blue mulch and space shenanigans) it seems like rocket found a way to get into the tree. He stood back at first, listening to walsh's speech. [break][break]

He looked over to and spoke "I'll defend you from the tree, you just try to see if you can meddle with that barrier enough to let us break through ok?" he told him before bumping his forehead into Priam again like he did during their time with the excursions. "I wont let anything harm you." [break][break]

once the signal was given, bryan charged forward, releasing his Alolan ninetails into the fray with it's snow cloak and warning to make it hard for the tree to not only move but even land a hit on the pokemon. [break][break]

He was going to go all out and anyone be damned if they got in his way.


notes about this post


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 3:18:55 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
no one would ever

change this animal

I have become

"Atlas, keep the branches off of me!" Rowan called out as he charged forward through the Tree of Life's onslaught, dodging and weaving his way through the twisted pathway. The Swampert let out a mighty bellow as it burst through the wooden tendrils, shattering them to splinters underneath the might of their Hammer Arm, making quick work of the obstacles ahead.

Now was the time to show his strength as a Beast, to carve the path forward for his comrades. Yet, his focus was fixated on Adrian as they advanced, wanting to make sure his boyfriend emerged on the other side unscathed.

"The hell is this?" An expanse of darkened ichor stood between them and progressing further into the bowels of the tree, almost life-like in the manner it ungulated and 'breathed', eyes watching their every movement.

Rowan reached a hand out towards the tiles, watching as the letters shifted before his eyes. "Needs some sort of passcode..." Could this have something to do with the words that had been appearing on the strange device?

(tagged)⏤ @geomancy

(notes)⏤ I am grossly incandescent right now.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 3:28:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
was messing with the weird life tree probably a bad idea?

oh, absolutely. but prince was full of bad ideas, so it was okay. hopefully. unless it wasn't, in which case at least prince wouldn't be alone when they realized they had fucked up big time. but for now it'd be fine. why? because prince had managed to find a safe-ish place with their pokemon, a little off to the side, awkwardly.

until he saw a familiar shape; sort of? prince knew them from the magma meeting, but it wasn't like they really knew anyone from that. two of them, actually, but prince had already locked onto the blue hair. as they stepped through grass that somehow bristled back against them- fucking weird- they inwardly praised the fact that they had decided to wear boots for this. not that they thought they'd get hurt by grass, it was just...odd.

they make their way to like they're not having thoughts about the weird grass, and clear their throat a little as they get closer. you know, so they don't get stabbed or anything like that. "you were at the meeting a bit ago, right?" even if they're 90% sure they were, they want to ask anyways. "i'm prince."

even as they introduce themselves, they're half hoping that this stranger doesn't think their name's funny or anything like that.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 3:47:41 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

So this was it. The culmination of their struggles in Sootopolis, a chance to finally see what hid beyond the tree. Oscar had not actively participated in the studies conducted on this bizarre plant, but now that it was time to move forward he was more than willing to help pave the way for future discoveries. 

He had but one pokemon out as the charge began, his increasingly prominent partner: Genesect. The cyborg wonder, now painted in hotrod flames at the behest of , was more than ready for its first real mission at Oscar's side. The question was, was Oscar ready to command it? It was time to find out.

Oscar gave Genesect a simple command, "Flight form, evasive and defensive maneuvers preferred. Get us into the tree!" Genesect complied, transforming into its compact form designed for high speed flight.

Oscar leapt aboard, Genesect's magnetic body latching onto the steel on the bottom of his boots. Bending over to maintain balance, Oscar braced himself as Genesect shot off like a bullet toward the tree's entrance. It bobbed and weaved past whipping vines, and Oscar grimaced as his eyes were nearly forced shut by the g-force. Why did he keep forgetting to wear his fucking goggles? Oscar's upper body strained as he tried to keep himself straight and not look like a fool while Genesect dashed its way into the inner tree.

As they reached the black void, Genesect slowed to a stop. Oscar pulled himself off, shuddering as he shook off his adrenaline. "Note to self..." he grumbled as he brushed himself off, "Practice different riding stances. Genesect, combat form." Genesect returned to its true form, scanning the void for possible dangers. Oscar stepped forward, overhearing mention the Unknown device. Oscar pulled out his phone to open the Unknown Report app and began looking through the words.

"If these blanks are meant to hold letters, the diagonal tiles can hold five letters. We should start there and count up the five letter words."

After a moment, Oscar would list them off.

"Event, Inter, Joule, Umbra, Xenic, Hisui, am I missing any?"

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 4:25:47 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It's a field trip. No matter what Walsh says, she's 100% certain it's like a field trip. A possibly dangerous one but what's an adventure without the slightest hint of injury?
"It's like that time all over again! When you, me, Gavin and Priam were at the tree! Remember?"
How could she forget when she'd literally almost died for her hubris? Regardless, she's listening in to the adults, grinning at and giving a peppy wave. Even if they don't manage to catch sight of her, she's able to busy herself by loosely braiding Reiner's mane. Today's the day that she finally gets the chance to find out if Xerneas really sleeps here, and if it does, could it save Chu-e's life?
The mention of the Unown report catches her attention and the words that are scattered makes her think really hard. And after a while, she pulls out a Pokeball and calls upon an Unown E.
"Elysia, second space up there!"
Xenic - From what she's read of its definition… she doesn't get it! She merely watches as her Unown flies towards to panel (curse her and her somewhat short-tall height). As for why she still picked it…
"It's the most complicated word there!"
Said with such idiotic simplicity and smugness, Eris' mind truly knows no bounds.
Tl;dr -[break]
- Eris and Reiner gang together POG[break]
- Eris tries to start the crossword puzzle with an Unown E for XENIC
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || into the woods

[break][break]   [break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 4:43:28 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"Go Omega! Go!"

Kris yelled at the Porygon-Z Kris' currently riding like a Scooty puff jr to war. Kris pulled a smart move to stay off the ground and be as mobile as possible, and Omega is as reliable as they get on their team. Kris had an inkling of who was a big deal in this mess or not.

And the fucker ( ) with a whole ass Genesect was a safe bet. Kris carefully but quickly flew behind the man on their Porygon-Z, using the man as a distraction from the tree as Kris and Omega dodged the trees reeling branches and vines from the Genesct hyper speed. Kris could almost feel a Farmer's tan forming on their skin from the haste of the trainer.

Kris managed to catch up to Oscar as they Scootered right on in. "Yo. Need help? Kris said as they jumped off of their Porygon-Z and walked over to Oscar. Kris was honestly excited to play a part in all of this, Making a name for themselves.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 4:45:44 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

"Providence believes in our cause."
Even the Rocket Boss believes in things like those? Province… Destiny… Fate. All of those things have had too much relevance in his life as of late, and even though there’s perfectly composed silence while listening to the speech, his mind does wander back to those words given to him only a few months ago. Defy your fate.
”Interesting.” It’s with a sigh that he reaches for a Luxury Ball, from it releasing a perfectly-polished Metagross. ”Let’s get a better look.” Without much regard for the pokémon’s feelings on the matter, he steps onto its metallic surface, MAGNET RISE allowing it to soar forward while others take care of most of the attacking branches.
”This has to be the world’s most fucked up crossword puzzle.” He says in response to ’s words, but the mention of Unown Report entries causes him to frown just so slightly, as does the way dear asks her own Unown to intervene (why the hell is Eris here, anyway? Who thought making children part of this expedition was a good idea?) ”Xenic, huh? Could be, it’s about unidentified organisms, if I’m not mistaken. Well done, Eris.”
How long had he spent studying every damn entry in that report in search of answers? Is this even the right answer? There's only one way to find out...
Reaching for another Luxury Ball, Mars calls out an Unown-C, directing it to touch the tile where both words meet. And yet, through it all a single question lingers in his mind:
Did the people who came up with the Unown Report also plan for this?



Trying C for Xenic c':



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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 7:22:13 GMT

it was like watching one of those charismatic evangelists. his words commanded a hush over the crowd, pulling off a speech that was likely well rehearsed. faces around him shifted in eager excitement, star-struck awe, or steel jawed determination.
'our glory?'
the phrase was a joke, a play on the motto of an organization that simply didn't give a shit about anyone within' it. if walsh could sacrifice every living soul here to get what he wanted ⁠— he would.
so fuck 'our glory'.
fuck walsh.
and fuck rocket.
the crowd surges forth, and roots and branches respond. the danger and excitement of what lies beyond was the only reason he'd shown up here. it doesn't disappoint.
lucario beside him, they push onwards towards the rift. an AURA SPHERE catches a lingering root, shattering it to splinters, but king keeps moving. by the time he breaks through the veil between realms, mud cakes his boot, and a hungry grin his lips.
"oh fuck off."
as eyes spot the puzzle ahead of them, he pulls out a cigarette and flicks it between his lips, letting the rush of nicotine settle over the adrenaline.
his specialty lie on blunt edge of his fist. one that would no doubt be called upon.
but not yet.


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[newclass=".snubis12 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 8:08:49 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Lugia is a creature meant to soar the open skies or swim the vast depths of the ocean floor — not to lumber through vegetation whose very existence seems to hamper their progress, vines grasping for limbs and roots seeking to trip.

They're not far in before a silent agreement between avatar and patron is made.

Be safe.

It feels as much a threat as a caution. Gavin smiles to himself as shadows swallow his patron whole. He tucks the heavy beast ball back into his coat and retrieves a well-polished luxury ball in its place.

"Jungle's your natural habitat." Zarude's red eyes bore into Gavin as it turns its attention to him. "Can you keep these vines off me while we fuck with these panels?"

's cheerful wave is returned by a somber nod; today, Gavin is Rocket's underboss, and the weight of that mantle pulls on his demeanor.

He looks to the pair of Unown floating next to him, then down at the UNOWN REPORT in his hand.

"One of you hit that first one — yeah, that," he confirms, as the one shaped like a question mark floats toward one of the panels. "If we're going for Xenic," with an acknowledging look toward Eris and , "then see if you can flip it to an 'X'."

Gavin enters with LUGIA but quickly switches out for ZARUDE.
ZARUDE will (hopefully) utilize its familiarity with dense foliage to keep it off Gavin.
Gavin sends his UNOWN ? to flip a panel to 'X'.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 9:28:31 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Everyone else soars through with some sort of glitz or glitter. Chu-e is more patient, letting other go in first. Then his Mr. Mime uses a well timed Teleport, zormping in next to . While Gavin might be trying to stay professional, Chu-e doesn't feel well today and gives his counterpart a slap on the shoulder before glancing over at . Looked like everyone was clustered around him staring at some weird shit, playing with letters like this was a fucked up Scrabble game.

Chu-e approached, too, his Mr. Mime building a Barrier around him as they moved. He ruffled 's hair when he was close enough. His Mr. Mime tried to pinch Oscar's ass and blame it on .

"I don't know what the hell is going on, so I'm touching everything."

And he did, at least, Chu-e was brave enough to touch the wall with his hand, unlike some of the nerds who had been having their pokemon do it for them. Everyone else also seemed focused on the short word, so Chu-e played with the long word, tapping in random letters.

- Waits for other people to go in so he can just Teleport to them
- Mr. Mime uses Barrier around Chu-e to keep him safe
- Mr. Mime pinches Oscar's ass. This is vital to know.
- Touches the letters of the larger word at random, flips letters to D, L, N

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,622 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 10:03:57 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
blood of

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the covenant


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the water of the womb...

[attr=class,bulk]I do not doubt they will stoop to any means to force their entry...[break][break]

Don't know. But I can't stop them. Yveltal hesitated to disapprove of their intentions, if only because it too was curious as to the nature of this tree. Its emergence signaled something to Yveltal, though it refused to mention anything more substantive. He only knew that Yveltal had encouraged him to protect the tree's contents from those that would do more harm than good. It was a tall order, one he couldn't facilitate.[break][break]

Yveltal turned its mind's eye away from Adrian for the interim.[break][break]

Looking ahead at Rocket's assembly, Adrian observes the multitudes that are contesting the roots' resurgence. For every step closer they are met with the thrashing of its gnarled, earthen tendrils to repel them. He needed to circumvent that.[break][break]


Amoonguss escorts him, RAGE POWDER diverting all of the negative attention from the tree's whip-like extensions, using its bulbous mushroom head and pads in order to cushion the blows. Thus Adrian supervises the concerted efforts of his peers unabated.[break][break]

Stygian eyes glean even from a distance that the tiles light up with unown symbols. Due in no small amount to his duplicitous nature, Adrian does not immediately lend himself to the cause. Most keenly he notices and interacting with the panels, and the latter's carefree demeanor. It unsettles him, as does the strange aura yet clinging to them. Their continued existence is unnatural.[break][break]

"...So the Unown are present here as well?" As an avatar, that put him on edge.

Notes Prologue interactions[break]
Casually approaches tree under RAGE POWDER's protection[break]
Recognizes the mechanism from the night at the Space Observatory[break]
"Accompanying" Gavin and Chu-e for the meantime


template by punki

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
696 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 17:03:35 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Others had more impressive rides, certainly, but Violet was content with her Togekiss ofr the time being. At the very least, it was a very comfy Pokemon to ride on, unlike what some of the others had at hand there. Lugia looked like it could compete, but she honestly was not sure if it would be better. That thing was a bit too big for her tastes. However, given that it was being ‘piloted’ by one of the higher ups, she figured that a more imposing ride like this was fairly fitting.
Speaking of, she followed Gavin for now. Despite her attempts to acclimate to Rocket, he was still the man she knew best here, alongside Lulu. Yet, in a situation like this, she preferred to follow his lead rather than the scientist’s. Nothing against the woman. But in a potentially dangerous situation, she preferred more level-headed leaders was all.
Incidentally, she also followed suit in replacing Togekiss with her Zarude, having very much the same idea regarding vines, but also because she saw herself in a more supportive role for this one. And Jungle Healing was pretty neat for that. “Assist your kin, keep us undisturbed,” she then ordered, before watching the Unown do their thing. Curious things these Pokemon. She honestly didn’t know a whole lot about them. Maybe she should catch herself one too at one point.


+ Assists Gavin with her own Zarude. Also, Unown prompt because wynaut



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 17:43:28 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
if there was one reason why walsh probably decided that this was to be redistributed to him, this was why.

he gets his guzzlord out, and without saying anything, the ultra beast starts to consume everything that comes to them without flinching. anything that manages get past its appendages were dragged back to its mouth, leaving nothing to go past it.

"i don't need protection! i got more experience than you in these kinds of things!" he shouts at in banter.

he runs to the gate, bringing up the unown report just as he gets near.

's flame decal genesect is spotted. he had a feeling it was going to be brought, so he bought car stickers for it. he takes out multiple from his pocket, but his choice comes to what he observed from the landin. priam sticks one by the genesect's side with one of those 'baby on board' stickers.

as he gets there, he stares at the crossword, and then his unown report, confirms whatever was said, and then flips a tile for letter n.

"letting everyone just do it one at a time instead of everything at once's kinda fun," he babbles at , who was coincidentally the first person he sees in there. "like a team building exercise or something, right?"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 20:33:09 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

it was controversial.

in the labs, the tree of life and how to breach its mysteries had been a topic of hot debate. a multitude of theories on the risks of entry had been developed. there might’ve been arguments over ethics, and those who believed it was too soon to attack something surrounded by so much uncertainty.

but forcefulness was something lulu could get behind.

darkrai assisted lulu on her way in, and she watched on, feeling a sense of pride at the strength of her brother , and unable to conceal a grin at the sight of genesect as bulleted by fantastically into the fray.

when they’d made it to the void, she found it unsettling, but the eyes held clues. their presence at the soiree had seemed to link them to a mirror universe. were the unown acting as gravitons? and if so, were they somehow able to sustain portals through higher dimensions?

the more she’d thought on ’s suggestion of palkia, the further theories went. it was perhaps possible that what had happened in sootopolis—with its flipping upside down and pulling outward—had been some glimpse into the mirror.

and there was something particularly scary about all of this: the thought that what lied on the other side of such a mirror was the end of time itself.

what would they find in the opposite, if they even made it there? desolation?

she watched them work on the words, and her attention briefly drifted to as he investigated the walls, deciding she’d keep an eye on him to watch for any results. she was ever-grateful for the underboss’s recklessness.

to , she muttered, “nice paintjob.”

* darkrai helps lulu make it into the tree safely
* lulu thinks they'll find a mirror universe on the other side
* also thinks chu-e doesn't learn his lessons
* tells oscar genesect's paintjob is cool
* sorry for long post
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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing